Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Groundhog Day - Ties to Tradition

Happy Groundhog Day!

February certainly has the most interesting holidays. Well, I guess you can't really call them holidays since we don't get a day off work. And if you're a groundhog, you have to work overtime.

Groundhog day really is a strange tradition, but I think it is a fun one nevertheless. Apparently, Groundhog Day originates from German settlers who held the belief that if the groundhog didn't see its shadow, Spring was just around the corner. If he did see his shadow, he would scurry back into his hole and there would be six more weeks of Winter.

Incidentally, Candlemas is the precursory holiday to Groundhog Day with many sayings surrounding this belief that if the weather was fair on this day, there would be six more weeks of bad weather and if the weather was inclement, Spring was on its way. Candlemas is the midway point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. Settlers from England, Scotland and Germany had their own unique sayings.  The German saying:

For as the sun shines on Candlemas Day
So far will the snow swirl until May
For as the snow blows on Candlemas Day
So far will the sun shine before May

In Germany, they watched for a badger to make an appearance instead of a groundhog.

In the spirit of being random, did you hear that PETA wants to replace Punxsutawney Phil with a robot? Seriously! That groundhog has it made. In fact, I thought I saw Punxsutawney Phil the other day. It looked like he was carrying a sign. I took a picture. Hold on.

Here it is:

Happy Groundhog Day everyone!

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